[melbourne-pug] Code of Conduct for MPUG

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Tue Apr 7 23:38:50 CEST 2015

Ok, so I finally put some language about a Code of Conduct in the Mailing
list as well:


As to the script for the opening spiel, I'll let that in the TODO chapter
for now.



On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 6:50 PM, Brianna Laugher <brianna.laugher at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Thanks Javier, I think this is a great initiative.
> I think two things would be useful: being specific about who are the
> points of contact. Perhaps this could be part of the intro spiel. Ideally
> they would be mentioned by name and be standing at the front of the room to
> be visible.
> Second is having a clear idea about what action those people might take,
> when a report is made. The Geek Feminism wiki has a ton of information on
> Code of Conducts and a page all about responding to reports:
> http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_anti-harassment/Responding_to_reports
> I suggest this as a starting point, not that everything here should be
> adopted wholesale for MPUG. I think it is important that the organisers
> "own" the policy in that they have been deliberate in their thinking and
> this is actively how they want to approach it.
> Another thing that is cool is encouraging bystanders to speak up if they
> hear/see something inappropriate. I went to a talk by Karen Sandler earlier
> this year and she had the whole audience practice saying "Dude, that's not
> cool". It is pretty cheesy but it's not a bad ice-breaker, and I actually
> heard someone at a later talk say it - so it works! I think this is really
> great because a lot of small things may not constitute harassment but
> nonetheless can make you feel unwelcome. Having someone else speak up like
> that feels amazing. And also, it shows that you don't have to perfectly
> articulate exactly why something was inappropriate, or berate someone for
> what may be an innocent or just thoughtless mistake.
> cheers,
> Brianna
> On 10 March 2015 at 14:34, Huw Davies <huw.davies at kerberos.davies.net.au>
> wrote:
>> On 10 Mar 2015, at 1:56 am, Tim Krins <timkrins at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Huw,
>> It is probably because the link you clicked on in this email is part of
>> the Wiki wording, and the sending email client has include the pipe
>> character in the URL it detected.
>> If you strip out the wiki markdown formatting, you will get
>> http://2013.pycon-au.org/register/code_of_conduct , which should link
>> you to the article.
>> Thanks to all who pointed this out. Now that I can see it, I very much
>> agree with it.
>> Huw Davies           | e-mail: Huw.Davies at kerberos.davies.net.au
>> Melbourne            | "If soccer was meant to be played in the
>> Australia            | air, the sky would be painted green"
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