[melbourne-pug] Variable Inheritence between modules. I have no idea!

David Crisp dcrisp at netspace.net.au
Fri Sep 12 06:29:25 CEST 2014

On Fri, 12 Sep 2014, William ML Leslie wrote:

> On 12 September 2014 12:11, David Crisp <dcrisp at netspace.net.au> wrote:
>> How do I read the configuration opbject from within test7 when it is
>> called from test6?    I dont really want to call it from every module that
>> needs it as there is meant to be some write back functionality happening to
>> a configuration file and if I try and do that from more than one entry
>> point I will end up writing a corrupted config back.  So A single entry
>> point for configuration would be nice..
>> ​​
> ​What makes you think it will be corrupted?  Have you tried it?​

No I havent tried it.  I just ASSumed.

> ​There are no globals in python, really, besides the module system (every
> import of module 'x' will give the same object(s)), but you can even work
> around that.

The other way I could sort this out.. probably.. is to have everything in 
the module.  (But I Asthetically I do like having my classes in seperate 
files (but not 100%... I tend to group functionality into files))


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