[melbourne-pug] Variable Inheritence between modules. I have no idea!

Mike Dewhirst miked at dewhirst.com.au
Fri Sep 12 05:25:35 CEST 2014

On 12/09/2014 12:11 PM, David Crisp wrote:
> Hello,
> I've managed to muddle my way through python for the last while and have
> finally come up with something I dont know how to deal with.
> (I have included a simplified code group below that represents what m
> trying to do and see)
> I have a main module (test6.py)  which calls a configuration module
> (test8.py)  and then a number of other modules (test7 etc) which use the
> data from the configuration  module.  (ie:  configuration.output returns
> "excel")
> when I run the code I get the following error:
> C:\Python33\python.exe  C:/Users/dcrisp/Documents/Python/gui/test6.py
> sql
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> excel
>    File "C:/Users/dcrisp/Documents/Python/gui/test6.py", line 10, in
> <module>
>      mainWin = test7.MainWindow()
>    File "C:\Users\dcrisp\Documents\Python\gui\test7.py", line 5, in
> __init__
>      if configuration.input.upper() == "EXCEL":
> NameError: global name 'configuration' is not defined
> Which is telling me that configuration isnt a global ...
> Help?  please?  OKay,  an actual question.
> How do I read the configuration opbject from within test7 when it is
> called from test6?    I dont really want to call it from every module
> that needs it as there is meant to be some write back functionality
> happening to a configuration file and if I try and do that from more
> than one entry point I will end up writing a corrupted config back.  So
> A single entry point for configuration would be nice..
> Or am I doing it wrong?
> Whats the best way of doing what I want to do.
> Again, if I havent asked the right questions, please guide and I will
> try and provide the information you need.
> Regards,
> David Crisp
> Three simplified files provided below.
> Module 1:
> test6.py
> import test8
> import test7
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>      configuration = test8.client_configuration()
>      print(configuration.output)
>      print(configuration.input)
>      mainWin = test7.MainWindow()
>      pass
> Module 2:
> test7.py
> class MainWindow():
>      def __init__(self):

This class doesn't get "configuration" declared or passed in or 
otherwise made available to it. You could do ...

        def __init__(self, configuration):

... which would at least generate an error if you don't pass it in.

>          if configuration.input.upper() == "EXCEL":
>              print("excel in")
>          elif configuration.input.upper() == "SQL":
>              print("SQL in")
>          else:
>              print("Inappropriate Configuration Set")

When running test6 the following code in test7 never runs. It only runs 
if test7 is run independently.

> if __name__ == '__main__':
>      import test8
>      configuration = test8.client_configuration()
>      mainWin = MainWindow()
>      pass
> Module 3:
> test8.py
> class client_configuration():
>      def __init__(self):
>          self.input = "excel"
>          self.output = "sql"

ditto for test8

> if __name__ == '__main__':
>      configuration = client_configuration()
>      print(configuration.input)
>      print(configuration.output)
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