[melbourne-pug] Your favourite talk of Pycon AU 2014?

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Wed Sep 3 14:20:29 CEST 2014

After Juan's amazing presentation in the August meeting, I think
MPUG's recap of Pycon 2014 was a bit lackluster. So please come up
with  links to your favourite presentations from this year!

I started this email three weeks ago, but then decided to wait until
the pycon au 2014 videos were available, so we could link there. Here
are acouple of my Pycon AU 2014 selections, plus a couple of old ones
that came up in my lightning talk:

- Hacking bytecode for fun and prof... for fun.:
(from 2011, but featured in our August session).

- How to monkeypatch builtin objects:
http://pyvideo.org/video/2210/dont-do-this (from 2013, but featured in
our August session)

- The new Computational Thinking curriculom for Australian Schools:
(If you don't have much time, start at minute 24, when the actual
curriculum starts being discussed. Also minute 38  for how you can

- The new default web stack, by one of the creators of Django:
http://pyvideo.org/video/2856/a-new-default-web-stack (Unfortuely the
Pycon AU talk was not recorded, but we have an earlier performance).

- PyPy.js: What? How? Why? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C9q94F6Uqo
(For those who missed it at MPUG, and also for those who didn't,
because this presentation is much better finished. Awesome also as an
example of how to give a technical talk).

Please add your own!


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