[melbourne-pug] Pizza volunteer for tonight

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Mon Nov 10 05:35:12 CET 2014

Hi everyone,

I'll be presenting in the first slot today, and I can't stay for pizza
afterwards. so I'd really appreciate it if someone else could arrange

The process:

- find out from speakers and organisers when we reckon that talks are
going to end (note: between 7 and 7.30 is the norm)
- collect $10 from everyone who's going to eat pizza, with care to
note how many vegetarians and gluten free people there are.
- with the above money, order pizza from Crust (crust.com.au) online,
for arrival at the time estimated above.
- host pizza party
- help tidy up as we approach 8.30, which is the closing time arranged
with inspire9.


The hungry MPUG community

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