[melbourne-pug] Fwd: Fwd: The One True way to structure repositories for common code re-use

Noon Silk noonslists at gmail.com
Tue May 6 08:48:53 CEST 2014

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Lars Yencken <lars at yencken.org> wrote:

> I think the perfect setup is:
> - foo is a pip-installable repo somewhere with its own CI
> - projectx is its own repo with its own CI
> - every projectx version is pinned to a specific foo version (by hash, or
> by pypi release)
> You definitely have to do things in sequence still. You need to add
> functionality to foo before it can be used by projectx. But because you can
> pin to a hash, you can start using a foo version that's still in foo's
> pull-request queue in projectx pull requests.
> Most devs that work on projectx don't need to fork foo's code, pip pulls
> in the correct foo version automatically for them.
> Since you're using the main repo for both projects, the CI also remains
> simple.

I remain not entirely convinced, but maybe that's my problem.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

Noon Silk

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