[melbourne-pug] Kiwi PyCon 2014: Accommodation

Tom Eastman tom at eastman.net.nz
Fri Jul 25 09:40:42 CEST 2014

Kiwi PyCon 2014 is being held in Newtown, Wellington on the weekend of
13-14 September, with four tutorials being held on Friday the 12th.

Tickets are selling! We think it would be awesome if you got some too!


The Kiwi PyCon website now has a page detailing some accommodation
options for the weekend of the conference.


I would urge you to check out the accommodation options, you see, on the
weekend of Kiwi PyCon, some inconsiderate fellow went
and scheduled an All Black vs South Africa test match.

For this reason, we strongly advise you to book your accommodation soon.

The talks and tutorial schedule is being finalized as I write this and
we hope to announce it soon. It's looking great!

It's going to be an amazing conference, and Wellington is going to be
simply *roaring* on the weekend of 13 September. You are not going to
want to miss it!



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