[melbourne-pug] 1 September 2014: Behaviour Driven Development, Machine Learning in the Cloud

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Wed Aug 20 13:20:46 CEST 2014

Dear Melbourne Pythonistas,

In about ten days, on theMonday 1 September, we'll hold the
September meeting of the Melbourne Python Users Group!

Time: 6PM
Venue: Inspire 9: Level 1, 41 Stewart Street, Richmond. 50m from
Richmond Train Station.


15 minute talks

* Javier Candeira -- What's new in Python, Sepetmbre Edition.

25 minute talks

* Jason King -- BDD using Behave with Selenium (the web browser
automation tool, not the heavy metal)

* Andy Kitchen -- Pattern Recognition: Machine Learning on GPUs in the
Cloud (the buzzwords are also interesting: Andy uses Bolzmann Machines
with Theano and AWS)


As usual, we'll order pizza, with a $10 contribution required. Drinks
are BYO, but you're invited to bring a six-pack to share if you want!

If you'd like to give the What's New in Python talk in a future
session, you have a cool project you want to show, or you want to give
a short presentation on a library you've been using lately, please
just come forward during the meeting.

With many thanks to Planet Innovation for sponsoring our use of the venue,

The MPUG organisers

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