[melbourne-pug] OS license requirements

Henry Walshaw henry.walshaw at gmail.com
Mon Aug 11 02:50:32 CEST 2014

It sounds pretty close to LGPL. But maybe have a play with TLDRLegal (
https://tldrlegal.com/ ) which is a nice way to look at and search for
licenses (see the LGPL license @
). Something that I only saw when I took a look at it this morning is
they've now got a reverse search which will let you drop in license
conditions and return licenses that match, which might also fit your bill.


On 11 August 2014 10:34, Mike Dewhirst <miked at dewhirst.com.au> wrote:

> Apologies for cross-posting
> I'm getting near to open sourcing a Django project and have to choose an
> appropriate license. Can anyone help me choose?
> I have settled on the following requirements ...
> 1. Project source must be freely available for end users to view and
> download and modify and further distribute to others
> 2. But if user modified source is distributed the modified source must be
> freely available for others to view and download and modify and be subject
> to the identical license as the project source
> 3. However, if the user modified source is kept in-house and not further
> distributed the changed source may be kept private or offered back to the
> project as a patch at the whim of that user.
> 4. Project (and user modified) source may be combined with proprietary
> software but the project (or user mofified) source component remains
> subject to the same license. It cannot be distributed as a combined whole
> under any other license than the project license.
> 5. But it can be distributed as a combined whole with proprietary software
> provided the project (or user modified) source component is freely
> available for end users to view and download and further distribute to
> others under the project license even if the proprietary component is not.
> BTW, Django doesn't require that my project use the Django license and of
> course I won't be distributing Django.
> I'm leaning towards the LGPL but would appreciate feedback from anyone
> with contrary views.
> Thanks
> Mike
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