[melbourne-pug] Two reminders: Pycon-AU and July MPUG

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Sun Apr 13 16:11:55 CEST 2014

Hello Melbourne Pythonistas,

Here are two friendly reminders:

Pycon-AU will take place in Brisbane, from the 1st to the 5th of
August. More importantly (and more pressingly), the deadline for
presentations is around the corner: the 25th April! Please send them
something awesome!

We've already programmed May and June, but we're already looking for
presenters for July. And, if you have a presentation for Pycon AU,
what better audience to rehearse it in front of than your local Python
Users Group? You can audience-test your Pycon talk among friends at

That's all for now.

Javier and the ophidiorganisers.

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