[melbourne-pug] pythontex talk

Andrew Walker walker.ab at gmail.com
Sat Sep 28 09:20:40 CEST 2013

Maybe I'm biased, but I'd love to hear this talk.

It's always a struggle to get publication quality plots in a sensible amount of time, especially when you're seemingly fighting against pstricks, single- vs. multi-column layouts, not to mention the challenges of matplotlib tick and title labelling.

From the questions asked over at the last few meetings I've been to, there's been a pretty strong interest from the academic & science communities lately, with lots of interest (and questions) about numpy / scipy / pandas / matplotlib. There are also at least three of the major universities represented (at least semi- regularly).

Also, given that LaTeX is now one of the targets for nbconvert (the IPython notebook converter), this kind of tool is going to get even more important in the future.


On 28/09/2013, at 5:05 PM, Bianca Gibson wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there any interest in a talk about pythontex? It's a LaTeX package that allows running python code in the document and typesetting the results.
> It also provides syntax highlighting for python code in LaTeX documents.
> I think it's cool, but I don't think many others would be interested.
> Cheers,
> Bianca
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Dr Andrew Walker PhD BEng. (Hons) BApp. Sci. QS 
e-mail: walker.ab at gmail.com

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