[melbourne-pug] Next MPUG meeting: Devops and Bioinformatics on October 7, 6PM - Inspire 9, 41 Stewart St

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Wed Sep 25 01:06:25 CEST 2013

Dear Melbourne Pythonistas,

Here's the current lineup for the October MPUG meeting:

# Clare Slogget -- Python for Bioinformatics.

# Lex Hider -- Salt: How to be truly lazy.

We can still fit in a 5 minute short talk for this session, so please
volunteer or dob in a friend! You can do it anonymously using our
wiki: https://wiki.python.org/moin/MelbournePUG

Also, a reminder that MPUG meetings are now BYO. But they don't have
to be if someone volunteers to organize beer for everyone.

See you in 12 days,

Javier & the MPUG organists.

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