[melbourne-pug] Python 3 porting sprint roundup

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Wed Oct 30 12:08:06 CET 2013

> Javier had success with porting githubpy. He attributed his success to "aggressive scope management".

Translation: I picked a library that fits in 250 lines, has no
non-standard dependencies, and which I had already studied and
contributed to. Easy target.

> For anyone interested in learning how to port code from Python 2 to Python 3, I have attached the cheat sheet from the sprint. This is now also available here: http://python-future.org/porting.html.
> We'll run another porting sprint in a couple of months -- perhaps mid January.

I can recommend both the cheatsheet and the sprint. It was great. Come join us!


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