[melbourne-pug] Tomorrow meeting: 6 May, 18h (6pm), Inspire9 (Level 1 41 Stewart Street, near Richmond Station)

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Sun May 5 11:47:32 CEST 2013

This is just a reminder that tomorrow, as announced, we'll have our
Melbourne Python Users Group meeting for the month of May.

We'll order pizza for those who want it at $10 per head, and Inspire9
provides a fridge with beers and ciders. Since they lend us the space
for free, beers are a $5 minimum recommended donation.

Talks already on the wiki:
- Stephen Moore - Nose of Yeti, a rspec-alike testing language
(a)busing Python codecs
- Javier Candeira - Ansible, easy configuration and deployment using
Python, yaml and ssh.

If you have anything else you'd like to talk about, there are a couple
of 5 minute slots still free. Write yourself up on the wiki, or let us
know during the meeting!

See you tomorrow!

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