[melbourne-pug] Call for coaches: OTS this Saturday - Introduction to Data Processing with Python

Angus Gratton gus at projectgus.com
Tue Jun 11 09:06:09 CEST 2013

Hi Melbourne Pythonistas,

We're running another beginner programming workshop this Saturday and
it'd be great if some of you could come and join in as coaches.

We're starting a new workshop this time, "Introduction to Data
Processing with Python" aims to take new programmers from our beginner
workshop and introduce them to IPython Notebook, reading structured
data from flat text files and plotting results with matplotlib.

Familiarity with these tools is NOT a prerequisite for coaching,
though, just a familiarity with Python! We're also running
Introduction to Programming with Python in parallel so there are lots
of things to potentially coach.

We are all volunteers at OpenTechSchool, we teach beginners how to
code using open technology. The courses are free of charge and all the
coursework is open-source as well and hosted on GitHub.

If you are thinking about coaching then please come along and try it
out! We are a fun bunch and you'll get the opportunity to socialise
with fellow Pythonistas. We even have a little coaching guide to give
a taste of what it is like:

Where: Electron Workshop, 31 Arden St, North Melbourne
When: this Saturday 15th, 11:45am.
What: http://opentechschool.github.io/python-data-intro

If you're coming then you don't need to formally RSVP anywhere,
although it'd be great if you could shoot me an email off-list just so
I can estimate numbers.

Thanks everyone,

- Angus

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