[melbourne-pug] Are you at DjangoCon? Do you want a T-shirt? Let's do a group order

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sat Jul 6 05:51:26 CEST 2013

Graeme Cross <gcross at fastmail.fm> writes:

> Apologies to those who are not at PyCon AU, but I figured this was the
> easiest way to track down Melburnians at PyCon AU and DjangoCon AU.

You might find a better focus on the PyCon AU Delegates forum

Also take into account that the 802.11 performance is abysmal and many
people may not actually read and respond until after the weekend.

 \          “I like to reminisce with people I don't know. Granted, it |
  `\                                     takes longer.” —Steven Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <ben at benfinney.id.au>

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