[melbourne-pug] Melbourne Python Users Meeting - September 2, 6PM - Inspire 9, 41 Stewart St

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Fri Aug 23 06:21:41 CEST 2013

Dear Melbourne Pythonistas,

Save the date: September 2, 6pm, Inspire 9, 41 Stewart St, Richmond.

Let me start with a reminder that we still have openings for short
talks for our September meeting. So put your best foot forward, and
put yourselves up for a presentation on your favourite library or
whatever Pythonic endeavour has lately taken your fancy. The wiki is
this way:

As to the more meaty talks, here they are:

# Richard Jones -- Don't do this!

In which Richard will tell you about some things you should never
(probably ever) do to or in Python. Warranties may be voided.

# Ryan Kelly -- PyPy.js: towards a fast and compliant python shell for
your browser

Ryan says: "This talk will highlight my experiments in porting PyPy to
the web platform: the what, the how, and the

See you in 10 days!

Javier & the MPUG organisators.

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