[melbourne-pug] PyCoder's Weekly

Graeme Cross gcross at fastmail.fm
Sat Sep 8 02:47:57 CEST 2012

Hi all.

I mentioned this newsletter to someone at the meeting last Monday and
they hadn't heard of it, so in case you haven't come across this
newletter yet: PyCoder's Weekly is an email newsletter summarising
what's happened in the Python development community in the last week
(taking over from Python-URL!, may it RIP).


I have found it to be a useful way of keeping on top of what's happening
with Python releases, new/interesting projects, and the gems of
discussions from places like the various mailing lists, Reddit, Stack
Overflow, etc. Good for the time-poor and/or attention-deficient :)


ObDisclaimer: I don't have any affiliation with them, just thought
others might find it of use.

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