[melbourne-pug] pycallgraph - function call stack visualisation

Noon Silk noonslists at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 11:58:06 CEST 2012


 As discussed, the main project is here: https://github.com/gak/pycallgraph

 This project is able to produce graphs of the call path of your
application. My addon to this was to just plug this into cherrypy, and
look at graphs of a live web application. I've not done more than a
trivial controller over the graph. The obvious next are to:

  1) capture particular timespans/periods,
  2) capture specifically logging information over that period,
  3) capture more information than just method calls (i.e. arguments, etc).

 This is all with a view of implementing my years-old idea of a "3d
visual debugger" (some other people have started doing this, but
pycallgraph looks like the best base to start from.) The idea being
that you can step into your code in 3d, and look around at what is
going on. If that isn't cool, I don't know what is.

 Anyway, the code that I bound to the cherrypy route is here:
https://github.com/silky/callgraphiti (this doesn't include the sample
app I showed which was just useful for demonstrating "real" call
stacks.) Note that the code is probably not appropriate for deploying
to a live site (unauthed) without some obvious adjustments.

Noon Silk

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