[melbourne-pug] Reminder: Next MPUG meetup is this Monday

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Fri May 4 06:22:31 CEST 2012

Richard, is your presentation long enough that a 5 min talk on gspread
won't fit? Should I leave it for the next meeting?


On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg
<tleeuwenburg at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can you believe another month has passed since the last MPUG? Well, here we
> are again.  The next meeting is this Monday, 7th May.
> Meetings are hosted by Inspire9 at 1/41 Stewart Street in
> Richmond. Map: http://g.co/maps/9jtw9. We meet starting at 6pm. This week we
> have Richard Jones recently back from PyCon US and he will be re-running his
> highly popular PyCon AU talk, "The Zen of Python". This was delivered to a
> packed room at PyCon AU and by all accounts was a real zinger!
> Pizza for this meeting will be provided, sponsored by ekit.
> Due to the expectation regarding the change of venue resulting in drinks
> being supplied, the kitty was run down at the last meeting. This means we
> might need to change the model a bit and head out for drinks to a nearby
> watering hole afterwards.
> Hope to see you all there,
> -Tennessee Leeuwenburg
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