[melbourne-pug] Textbook on algorithms and data structures in Python?

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Thu Mar 29 05:32:12 CEST 2012

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Jason <j.lee.nielsen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Probably not what you are after but after having visited my home town and
> meet with one of my old lecturers (7 years since I graduated) I got the
> impression that they were moving away from text books where possible for a
> variety of reasons, including they are too expensive, they are hard to keep
> up to date with the course, some students wont end up buying them (or
> accidentally buy the wrong edition such as the US edition) and once they
> graduate they are unlikely to use it as a reference.
> Taking all that into account have you considered doing the unit without a
> text book?

I think it's good if the library has a textbook where students can
delve deeper into the topics. Some subjects may change a lot, but an
introductory CS course using Python 2.X shouldn't need much updating
either... In any case, it's not my decision whether to use a textbook
or not, I am just helping to pick the best one.


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