[melbourne-pug] Web App Architecture

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Sun Mar 18 12:01:32 CET 2012

On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 9:40 PM, Adam MacLeod <adam.macleod at gmail.com> wrote:
> Javier; I believe you are correct about apps that have a URL
> expectation. I wonder if there is a nice (maintainable) way to

I was surprised when Ben said his apps were more bookmarkable, not
less, after going to a js framework. Ben: could you explain how that

> implement complex URL's using the #! method (EG:
> https://twitter.com/#!/Raspberry_Pi). I figure that the time to pull
> down all the resources and execute another AJAX call could be quite
> extreme.

As I understand the Basecamp posts, they do cacheing at each div
level. So if they have to request the whole page, they just do one
async request for the cached (or generated) outer div. But this is
just speculation based on reading their writeups.

> Please post an update when you hear from your friends in the CMS
> business :) I would love to hear their thoughts on the matter. Do they
> ever come to Melbourne? Perhaps they could give a talk at MPUG? :)

They are PHP people, and they work only in Spanish markets so far, so
yes, I wish they could visit, but not likely :(*



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