[melbourne-pug] python based haml/sass-alike workflows

Pomke Nohkan pomke at pangur.com.au
Fri Mar 16 02:55:43 CET 2012

Hiya Javier,

I'm a big advocate of rolling your own WSGI micro-framework, and by
rolling your own I mean extending something like werkzeug and using
whichever data model/template library/kitchen-sink you feel is
appropriate for your task.  I did just this last year when I built
pangurpad.com, we went with jinja2 templates which I think are really
nice and had the site in production (including building our
'framework') in under 6 months.

Most template libraries are designed for this approach and embedding
whichever library you find to process your 'haml' should not really be
an issue.

On a side note, while haml might tickle your inner geek by providing a
'new and novel way of writing markup', it is worth considering how on
a real project you might run into issues by moving away from a well
understood and universal markup such as HTML.

Designers are likely to be less than impressed when you show them haml
not html. Imagine what it would be like if someone hired you as a
python developer, then once you'd started they revealed they infact
wrote perl syntax that was magically compiled to python.

Happy Hacking :)


On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Javier Candeira <javier at candeira.com> wrote:
> I am following the Coursera saas-class, which uses ruby on rails, and
> I have been impressed with the haml integration in the workflow.
> Searching for haml-alikes for Django, it seems that there are several,
> but far from the pythonic ideal that there should be one, and
> preferrably only one, obvious way to do it.
> So, here's the question: what's the current best practice for
> python-based web development using indentation-based syntax
> preprocessors for html and css?
> It could be a thread on the mailing list, or it could be a topic for a
> mpug session.
> Thanks all,
> Javier
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