[melbourne-pug] Next meeting: next Monday the 2nd of July @ Inspire9

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Thu Jun 28 03:43:11 CEST 2012

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Chai Ang <acalcium at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is anybody talking at all?

I still have the oauth talk I couldn't give last month. Haven't posted
anything because I've managed to catch another cold, but I hope to be
well enough by Monday. On the wiki now.

> I'll probably regret this but if there is no one at all, if the standards are low enough,
> I guess I could ramble on something along the lines of 'Getting started with Jython'.


> Not sure what else people would be interested in.
> Let me know if you have suggestions.
> Spring? Hibernate? J2EE? These will probably need a bit (lot?)
> more prep. So wont be preparing for this unless requested.

"Getting started with Jython" looks interesting; I'd go out of my way
to attend such a talk even if I weren't planning to go to mpug
already. So my vote is for "yay".

Special topics I think are of interest:
- what is different/incompatible in jython vs cpython
- what is better in jython (why would I want to not use cython or pypy
to run my pythonlang project?)
- how to deploy/mix/meld python code within an existing java/jvm project.



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