[melbourne-pug] finding an internship

Noon Silk noonslists at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 11:31:08 CEST 2012

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 7:08 PM, Sam Watkins <sam at nipl.net> wrote:
> Andreux Fort wrote:
>> Companies want that which is hard to find: the programmer who codes 1000
>> lines a day vs. 100 (read Brooks' "Mythical Man Month" for more).
> No, no!  Less is more!
> If I'm hiring, I would want:
> - coder can remove / compact 100 lines per day
> - coder can finish most jobs in < 1000 lines of code (not in one day)
> - coder can do common tasks in one line of shell script
> - resume in roff format ;)

Hah, indeed :) And of course the claim that "getting things done" is a
the truly best measure is, of course, trivially wrong unless you
consider also the ongoing "cost" of "getting things done" vs "getting
things right". But in spirit it's a useful measure; which is probably
the way it was intended.

I'm sad to say I've never heard of "roff" format; but would you accept
pandocs extended markdown? :)

> Some examples of 'less is more' from the Plan 9 project:
> kenc - Ken Thompson's C Compilers
>   http://doc.cat-v.org/bell_labs/new_c_compilers/new_c_compiler.pdf
>   http://gsoc.cat-v.org/projects/kencc/
> 9base - Plan 9 tools for Unix
>   http://tools.suckless.org/9base
> "It also contains the Plan 9 libc, libbio, libregexp, libfmt and libutf.
>  The overall SLOC is about 66kSLOC, so this userland + all libs is much smaller
>  than, e.g. bash (duh!)."
> Also:
>   http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9/
>   http://swtch.com/plan9port/
> I'm looking forward to receive the Plan 9 manuals and papers.
> Here's where you can get some, if you like:
>   http://www.vitanuova.com/plan9/products.html
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Noon Silk

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