[melbourne-pug] Next meeting: next Monday the 5th of September

Noon Silk noonslists at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 08:24:58 CEST 2011

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 8:52 PM, Noon Silk
> [...]
> I could maybe give a very short talk on some problems I've found with
> python unit testing frameworks, to maybe save some people some
> troubles (or learn where I've gone wrong :)

Unfortunately, I am unable to attend tonight, so I will instead post
what I planned to say (which in the end is very little) here:

 0. I wanted a system that was: parallel, produced xunit, easily
configurable/categorisable, and teardown/etc
 1. I played with unittest, py.test, and nose
 2. unittest is for structuring your tests in classes, with asserts and so on.
  + nose and py.test are runners; nose has a lot of plugins *but the
multiprocess and xunit ones did not work together*. Also, the
multiprocess one had problems in my specific case (alone).
  + py.test works in parallel, and produces xunit xml, however the
configuration of it is not ideal (it's a little fancy, with a DI-style
funcargs thing).

 In summary, py.test is the better option, but may take a bit of time
in the setup; and in general - make sure all plugins work together! I
didn't do this, and I paid the price. However, almost all the work I
did to make my system work for nose wasn't wasted (nose and py.test
pick up the same categorisation of tests, etc).

Noon Silk

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