[melbourne-pug] Jobs jobs jobs

Jonathan Morgan jonmmorgan at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 17:26:58 CEST 2011


On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Noon Silk <noonslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Javier Candeira <javier at candeira.com>
> wrote:
> > Sorry to say I can't attend MPUG meets for the foreseeable future,
> > what with work and a small baby. I still wanted to say hi. So...
> >
> > Hi everyone, top-posting is not *always* evil, is it?
> I can't find the better version of this, (despite having read it
> recently?!) so please accept this smaller offering instead:
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
> As to the job,  qouting:
> > "Must be able to develop a deep, intuitive understanding of a suite of
> complex software products in a technically challenging domain"
> Won't it be nice when this read as:
> > "Must be able to understand simple, beautiful, elegant software products
> in a technically challenging domain"

Jumping into the debate philosophically: there are multiple reasons for
complexity.  The software might be complex because the domain is complex,
because requirements are poorly organised and mapped to software, because
different companies have different requirements, because different types of
users are involved with dramatically different interaction requirements, or
because the software design/architecture/code is complex.  I think it's
quite possible for software to get more complex developing the wrong
software in the right way (at a micro level) than developing the right
software with the right scope in the wrong way (though I'm sure I hate
complex code at least as much as anyone here).

I personally prefer working with software in a complex domain and trying to
understand how the complexities of the software fit into the domain and vice
versa.  I find it gives much more satisfaction if I know what problems I am
solving in the real world (which isn't always the same as the software
problem you think you are solving).


> :)
> --
> Noon Silk
> Fancy a quantum lunch? http://groups.google.com/group/quantum-lunch?hl=en
> "Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy — the joy
> of being this signature."
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