[melbourne-pug] Repeating a question I asked last night, Is there a Melbourne GIS user group?

David Crisp dcrisp at netspace.net.au
Tue Oct 4 03:56:24 CEST 2011

Hi Rhydwyn,

There isnt as such but there IS the SSSI which is the Surveying and 
Spatial Sciences institute which is the equivilent or SAGE-AU for Spatial 
people.  GIS comes under that field.


They have regualr meetings and presentations.

I havent actually signed up to it myself. I will probably do so in the 
next few weeks.

David Crisp

On Tue, 4 Oct 2011, rhydwyn beta wrote:

> If so, why don't they have a web presence? If not, is there interest in
> starting one? I would be willing to start one, however I am a youngen and
> would really want some more experienced people to present, at least at the
> start.
> Rhydwyn

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