[melbourne-pug] LCA2012 Open Programming Miniconf -- CFP R1 closes Friday!

Chris Neugebauer chrisjrn at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 01:47:33 CEST 2011

(Apologies for the cross-post; if you know an appropriate mailing list
to pass this on to, please do so :))

Hey there!

This is a friendly reminder that the first round of the Call for
Proposals for the LCA2012 Open Programming Miniconf is closing on
Friday (7 October).  The miniconf is an excellent opportunity for
software developers to share their experiences of using free and open
source development tools.

We strongly encourage first-time LCA presenters to submit a proposal
-- miniconfs are a great way to build up experience in presenting at
conferences like LCA.

If you're interested in presenting, please make sure you get your
proposals in before Friday: this will give you your best chance of
being accepted; after then we'll keep the CFP open indefinitely until
all our spaces have been filled.

To submit a proposal, please fill in the form at

A formal version of the CFP may be found at

I look forward to seeing your proposals!


--Christopher Neugebauer

Jabber: chrisjrn at gmail.com -- IRC: chrisjrn on irc.freenode.net --
AIM: chrisjrn157 -- MSN: chris at neugebauer.id.au -- WWW:
http://chris.neugebauer.id.au -- Twitter/Identi.ca: @chrisjrn

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