[melbourne-pug] pyjamas

Mike Dewhirst miked at dewhirst.com.au
Fri Jul 22 07:18:18 CEST 2011

I have a major web project to initiate. It needs to be very scalable and 
I am more or less committed to Django. The business plan requires 
funding for a CSS web designer, Javascript/Jquery guru, ldap chappie and 
Django programmer. I need a proof-of-concept demo without having all 
that expertise in-house.

I vaguely remembered someone in MPUG mentioning Pyjamas being a sort of 
Javascript eliminator. So ... here's my diary entry for today:

22/7/2011 - 0830 - Woke up (late because of TdF) and spent the morning 
researching ...




Pyjamas is a python-to-javascript compiler designed to let you build 
websites in Python without having to learn Javascript. Rejected the 
whole shooting match at first but let it percolate over lunch. After 
considering Javascript, CSS, DOM, browser variances and the few 
remaining years in my life ... decided to give it a try.

1300 - After lunch worked through the excellent instructions in the 
third link above. After a bit of fiddling, all is installed. Now for 
hello world.

1400 - That was easy. pyjd Hello.py is the native python version. Then 
compile Hello.py into Javascript and HTML with "pyjsbuild 
--print-statements Hello" to produce Hello.html which loads brilliantly 
into my default browser.

1430 - After playing with the kitchensink.py demo I am completely blown 
away. Buttons, menus, images, layouts, lists, popups, tables, trees, 
tabs - it seems to be all there. I think there is enough for my 
proof-of-concept. Next step is to dig a bit deeper and see how little I 
really need to learn.

The last line of the document in that third link above says it all ...

"Step back in awe and admire the work of a great community!"


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