[melbourne-pug] Job Opportunity: Bureau of Meteorology

N6151H n6151h at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 05:37:27 CEST 2010

Does this require Australian citizenship, as do all the other BoM jobs of
this type we've seen posted?

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Paul <pwdyson at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Below are the Job Profile and Selection Criteria for a three month position
> for a Python developer at the Bureau of Meteorology's Head Office, located
> in the Docklands, Melbourne. The pay is at a rate of $68699 to $77002 per
> annum, depending upon previous Public Service experience.
> More extensive advertising for this position is due to be finalised on
> Thursday. However, if there is a suitable applicant before Thursday, then
> the wider advertising can be canceled and that applicant can be employed
> much sooner than if we advertise more widely and wait for responses. (The
> Public Service employment rules are somewhat flexible for positions of less
> than 12 months duration.)
> If you are interested, please send your CV and contact details to me
> (p.dyson at bom.gov.au) before Thursday (1/4/2010).
> Cheers,
> Paul
> Dr Paul Dyson
> Senior Scientist
> Solar Radiation
> Data Quality and Improvement Section
> Observations and Engineering Branch
> Bureau of Meteorology
> email: p.dyson at bom.gov.au
> phone: (03) 9669 4447
> -------------------------------
> Job Profile: ITO2
> The person will work in the Data Quality and Improvement Section, a part of
> the Observations and Engineering Branch. This section provides high quality,
> special climate and environment related observational data for the
> Australian region for information, monitoring, prediction and research
> purposes; investigates new monitoring technologies including remote sensing;
> develops satellite and other specialised applications; and ensures
> excellence in the performance and utility of all the Bureau’s meteorological
> instrumentation.
> The person will be responsible for the conversion of Solar Radiation data
> into a format suitable for ingest into the National Climate Centre’s ADAM
> database. This will involve the production of a software package, followed
> by its application to the Solar Radiation data set. The person will be
> expected to liaise with both internal and external stakeholders and will be
> required to maintain documentation. Good oral and written communication
> skills and an ability to work as part of a small team under supervision is
> required.
> -------------------------------
> Selection Criteria: ITO2
> 1. Demonstrated ability in developing Python software applications,
> including the ability to manipulate data in various formats and structures.
> 2. Demonstrated understanding of database design and experience with
> developing database applications.
> 3. Proven ability to work cooperatively in a team environment.
> 4. Communication skills of a high order, including ability to document
> software.
> 5. Be aware of, and apply as necessary, the principles and practices of the
> various elements of the Bureau's Social Justice Strategy.
> -------------------------------
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