[melbourne-pug] Job opportunity - Newcastle, NSW, Australia

Peter Williams pwilliams at nswrdn.com.au
Thu Mar 25 03:31:47 CET 2010

Hi all

Please see:


for a job being advertised by NSW Rural Doctors Network in Newcastle,
NSW, Australia.

Employment is open to Australian citizens, permanent residents and other 
applicants with the appropriate visa authorisation to work in Australia. 
The person will be required to work at the RDN office in
Newcastle, NSW, Australia.

Should you have any questions about the position, please reply to this 
email address, however, I won't be able to reply until 7 April.  
Applications close 12 April.


Peter J Williams
Information Manager
NSW Rural Doctors Network
Head Office
Suite 19, Level 3
133 King Street
Newcastle NSW 2300
Telephone: (02) 4924-8000
Facsimile: (02) 4924-8010
Mailto:pwilliams at nswrdn.com.au
Web: http://www.nswrdn.com.au

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