[melbourne-pug] [job] contract gig in melbourne, in a language with much less active whitespace

Craig Ambrose craig at craigambrose.com
Wed Mar 10 02:00:33 CET 2010

Hi gang,

I'm really a ruby developer, although I use python occasionally. My current
client is having trouble finding people who are both good programmers, and
already know ruby, and I've assured them that the first of those two is far
more important. So, this is just a quick shout out to any experienced web
developers who are comfortable in python, and want a contracting gig in ruby
on rails (obviously with some training, presumably from me). I figure the
languages are similar enough that skills will translate. Anyway, I wont
stick a job add here on this list. Drop me an email offlist (
craig at craigambrose.com) if you want to know the details.


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