[melbourne-pug] First meeting for 2010 next week!

Rasjid Wilcox rasjidw at openminddev.net
Wed Jan 27 01:38:02 CET 2010

Nick Mellor wrote:
> Wondering if any of you have a tip for a good
> Python/Django/PostgreSQL/PostGIS-enabled server (a virtual server setup
> would do) that I could buy space and cycles on? Or, if I were to run my own
> server, somewhere in Melbourne I could hook it up to the Internet for a
> reasonable price? (Broadband out here in Newstead isn't up to the job of
> hosting a GIS server, or indeed any web server.)

Did you need the server (virtual or otherwise) to actually be in 
Australia?  If you are okay with the US, at ServerAxis 
(http://www.serveraxis.com/) you can get a virtual linux server with 
512MB ram for as little as USD$15 per month.  Or if you are happy to pay 
a bit more for a great control panel and great support, I can recommend 
Linode (http://www.linode.com/).

Maybe someone else can suggest Australian options....



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