[melbourne-pug] oppurtunity of Python jobs

Nick Farrell nick at farrell.name
Sun Jan 10 00:48:49 CET 2010

In terms of supply vs demand I believe Melbourne is a reasonable place to
look - I have been working as a Python person for my last few jobs - but the
overall supply and demand is quite low compared to (say) the US, I suspect.

If you want to live in Melbourne keep an eye on the BOM (www.bom.gov.au) as
they have a fairly strong python presence. I am moving jobs at the moment
(finishing in about a month) - if you have some statistical and/or economic
credentials let me know more about you, and you never know, you could end up
taking up my current role.



On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Bartosz SKOWRON <getxsick at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm from Europe but still thinking about moving in to Melbourne
> because of many reasons. Just looked through job offers on some
> websites and honestly i thought that i will find more python job
> offers. can anyone tell me about condition of local job market? how
> difficult is to find a cool job as a Python developer? especially not
> webapps..
> thanks in advance!
> bart.
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