[melbourne-pug] Melbourne Python job opportunity

Graham Stratton grahams at mocomedia.net
Thu Jun 25 02:11:02 CEST 2009

Hi all,

My employer, MoCoMedia in Fitzroy, is looking for an experienced  
Python developer with strong Linux skills.

We are seeking someone to preform a wide range of tasks from  
developing web interfaces to automating remote system administration  
using Puppet.

Experience with Python packaging and a knowledge of zc.buildout would  
be great. Knowledge of git or another DVCS would a plus, as would some  
SQL skills (PostgreSQL), experience with Nagios or Apache. An  
understanding of networks and network protocols would be useful.

The role offers a lot of flexibility, and will suit someone who can  
work well independently.

Anyone interested should email John Leach at great.python.dev at  



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