[melbourne-pug] Next meeting: Tuesday 11th August

Chris Miles miles.chris at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 03:09:26 CEST 2009

On 28/07/2009, at 10:34 AM, Richard Jones wrote:

> The next meeting of the Melbourne Python Users Group will be on  
> Tuesday the 11th of August starting at 6:30pm. We'll be meeting at  
> Horse Bazaar again but this time we'll have use of their projector.  
> We'll have time for several short presentations or lightning talks.
> Meeting details, location and talks list are at:
>  http://wiki.python.org/moin/MelbournePUG
> If you've seen something cool or are doing something cool then we'd  
> like you to tell everyone about it! Presentations could be 5 minutes  
> or up to 15 minutes if you'd like to ramble for a bit longer. I'll  
> be getting up to talk a bit about my experiences playing with  
> IronPython - what's cool and what's downright odd :)
> If you've got an idea for a talk just add it to the wiki page.

I'd like to give a talk about the PSI (Python System Information)  
project http://www.psychofx.com/psi/ which will be an updated version  
of the Lightning Talk I gave at PyCon UK 2007.  I've updated the wiki.


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