[melbourne-pug] April pub meetup (21st April)

Dave Collins dave.collins at itg.com
Wed Apr 1 00:54:45 CEST 2009

Horse bazaar  397 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne

is funky and free wifi

On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 09:50 +1100, Mohamed Barwani wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Chris Miles <miles.chris at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 01/04/2009, at 9:26 AM, Lars Yencken wrote:
> >
> > Ok, votes are still tied for the meet-up. Let's say Tuesday 21st April, and
> > see if a few extras can make it if the date is fixed.
> >
> > Now we need somewhere to meet.
> >
> > I can recommend the Union Club Hotel off Smith St, and the Little Creatures
> > Dining Hall nearby on Brunswick St, but perhaps somewhere in the city would
> > be more accessible to people.
> >
> > Any recommendations?
> >
> > I vote for somewhere in the city as I'm coming from the south east, so it'll
> > mean only one train. I don't do much drinking in the city these days so I
> > don't have any good location suggestions.
> If there are votes, I'd vote for city too.. One train is always good :)
> My recent explorations:
> http://www.turfbar.com.au/    ===> Been here once, not enough to make a judgment
> http://www.thesherlockholmes.com.au/  ===> small, nice food & quiet
> cheers

Dave Collins

Software Engineer 
ITG Australia Limited

Investment Technology Group, Inc.
Level 3, Rialto North Tower
525 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Ph: +61 3 9211 2542
Mob: +61 412 832 935


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