[melbourne-pug] Code review comments for next issue of The Python Papers

Ryan Kelly ryan at rfk.id.au
Fri Jun 8 14:54:54 CEST 2007

> 4) isinstance(node, 
> str) -- indeed, what about unicode? In Python 2.5, is a unicode string a 
> str? I'll have to research this to make sure.

 From memory, the 'proper' way to do this is to compare with basestring, 
although everytime I use it I cringe slightly because it just doesn't 
read right:


 > 5) Testing. I'm not familiar with unit testing frameworks. The best
 > thing would probably be to identify some kind of preferred testing
 > framework and write a better set of formal tests. Any suggestions?

I've had good experiences with the built-in unittest module, 
particularly using it via setuptools `python setup.py test` command. 
I've got simple needs but it's saved by bacon a few times :-)



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