[melbourne-pug] Python meetups

Ryan Kelly ryan at rfk.id.au
Mon Jun 4 03:27:15 CEST 2007

Hi All,

> 1) What is your name

Ryan Kelly

> 2) Are you interested in attending PUG meetings: a) weekly; b)
> monthly; c) bi-monthly; d) one every 3 months; e) once every 4 months;

monthly or higher
> 3) What is your interest in Python? (professional, student, teacher,
> hobbyisy)

professional, hobbyist

> 4) Which suburb do you live in?


> 5) Would you be interested primarily in: a) unstructured, social
> gatherings; b) structured presentations; c) collaborative work
> (competitions, sprints etc); d) mailing list only 


> 6) If you are interested in structured presentations, are you
> interested in: a) particular topic areas relating to your interests;
> b) any Python-related topics; c) beginner introductions; d) giving a
> presentation

any python related topics, and I've got a few of my own projects I could
give a presentation on.

> 7) Would you be interested in meetings held during: a) weekday
> lunchtimes; b) weekday evenings; c) weekend lunchtimes; d) weekend
> evenings 


> 8) Would you be interested in meetings held at: a) A city location; b)
> South Yarra; c) another specific suburb

Anywhere close to the city would be fine for me, when travelling from
Werribee they're all equally far away :-)



Ryan Kelly
http://www.rfk.id.au  |  This message is digitally signed. Please visit
ryan at rfk.id.au        |  http://www.rfk.id.au/ramblings/gpg/ for details

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