[melbourne-pug] Help wanted for Python 3000 PEP

Tennessee Leeuwenburg tennessee at tennessee.id.au
Tue May 2 02:12:31 CEST 2006

Bill Birch wrote:
> Hi,
> Would you be interested in reviewing/contributing to a Python Enhancement 
> Proposal for Python-3000?  I am half-way through writing this PEP on Type 
> Expressions. There has been significant chat on the py3k mailing list 
> (http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/) about optional static type 
> checking so a type system is needed to support this.
> Any takers?
> I'll buy the coffees!
> Bill
Sure, count me in for a discussion session or review or whatever would 
be helpful. It's not my central area, but I'm happy to provide what help 
I can. Let's see what you're talking about, and I'll let you know if 
there's anything useful I can do.


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