[melbourne-pug] Thursday's Meeting

Anthony Briggs abriggs at westnet.com.au
Wed Oct 19 13:40:43 CEST 2005

Mike Dewhirst wrote:
> Anthony Briggs wrote:
>>... the topic for Thursday will be "Python coding style". 
> I think the ...
> 	http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0008.html
> ... style guide seems to be a reasonable way forward and I would be more 
> interested in learning where you think it may be improved on rather than 
> covering what is already there.

Sure. It's a good starting point, particularly as there are a number of
things in there that I don't agree with, such as writing "if not
someList:..." rather than "if someList == []:". I also tend to prefer a
style with more whitespace, etc.

A lot of the style guides also tend to say 'what', rather than 'why',
and in fairly rigid fashion too, which means that it's harder to know
when to break the rules when you need to.

> I'm especially interested in learning about module layout and project 
> layout within directories and spanning directories. Maybe "coding style" 
> can be stretched to cover that and __init__.py which is still a mystery 
> for me.

We can probably manage to cover something along those lines - the more
people that know how to package up python code, the more code we'll get
released :)

> See you there
> What time again?

6.30: <http://wiki.python.org/moin/MelbournePUG/>


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