[medusa] Re: select error on win32

Wolf Logan wolf@s...
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:49:27 -0700

microsoft's "official" position seems to be that you're not allowed to know.
there's no defined way to know the "real" limit without stress-testing.

however, the "real" limit on listen queues under NT is as follows:

NT 3.5 : 100
NT 3.51 : 100
NT 4.0 (wks) : 5
NT 4.0 (srv) : 200

i don't know what the limits are for 95/98, but win CE (!) has a backlog of
5 over serial, and 2 over IR.

asking for a queue larger than the size shown will set the queue to its

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Rushing [mailto:rushing@n...]
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 3:57 PM

Amos Latteier writes:
> Can NT not handle a listen queue greater than 1?

I'm drawing a blank... Either NT ignores the listen queue size, or at
one point it (or more likely win95) would throw an exception.


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