[medusa] Re: How do I stop medusa gracefully

florent.heyworth@r... florent.heyworth@r...
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 22:12:40 -0000

<x+foccaqwls2ewx-@j...> wrote: 
Original Article: http://www.egroups.com/list/medusa/?start=14

> thanks I tried this and it seemed to work fine; but what is the
> preferred method of shutting medusa down?
> -- 
> Robin Becker

If you're working with medusa by running it from Python.exe
a Ctrl-C (Keyboard Interrupt) will attempt to shut down
"gracefully" after a time out on the select loop. 

A more graceful, and fun, way of doing is by logging in
to Medusa's monitor client. On Win32 you can call it as

python monitor_client_win32.py [hostname] [port]

on my machine I do:

python monitor_client_win32.py 9999

at the password prompt enter the password (default is 'fnord')
you can change it in start_medusa.py.

on the interactive prompt enter:
>>> import monitor
>>> monitor.asyncore.close_all()

That's it


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