[Matrix-SIG] How to a la IDL, TV, matrix_array

Michael A. Miller mmiller3@iupui.edu
17 Oct 2000 16:02:03 -0500

>>>>> "Sidey" == Sidey Timmins <timmins@forest.gsfc.nasa.gov> writes:

    > How do you display the matrix on the Numpy Topic guide
    > page?

Look for the NumTut package:

>>> Import NumTut
>>> NumTut.view(zx)

The NumTut link at
http://www.python.org/topics/scicomp/documentation.html is
broken.  Does anyone know where it can be found these days?  I
can tar up a copy of what I've got if anyone whants it.


Michael A. Miller                      mmiller3@iupui.edu
  Krannert Institute of Cardiology, IU School of Medicine
  Indiana Center for Vascular Biology and Medicine