[Matrix-SIG] Numpy in Viper

Jon Saenz jsaenz@lcdx00.wm.lc.ehu.es
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:46:00 +0200 (MET DST)

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, skaller wrote:

> Pearu Peterson wrote:
> 	The question is: why would a _numerical_ programmer
> want a C API at all, if they had a high performance compiler?
> [The answer 'compatibility' is obvious. Any other?]
Probably, neither Viper nor any other high level language is able to
prepare a routine/set of routines to handle ALL the tasks that ALL the
programmers (even numerical ones) in the world intend to use.
Nobody is able to forsee all the uses of the language. Otherwise,
MS Excel would be nice for all of us ;-DDD

Access to individual elements by means of a C API seems important to me.

Jon Saenz.				| Tfno: +34 946012470
Depto. Fisica Aplicada II               | Fax:  +34 944648500
Facultad de Ciencias.   \\ Universidad del Pais Vasco \\
Apdo. 644   \\ 48080 - Bilbao  \\ SPAIN