[Matrix-SIG] Sparse objects

John Turner turner@blueskystudios.com
Thu, 20 May 1999 10:22:28 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "HJ" == Henk Jansen <hjansen@math.tudelft.nl> writes:

HJ> In the "old" Fortran days, I did some work using Yousef Saad's
HJ> SPARSEKIT (2) sparse matrix (source) library. He was supporting
HJ> most (appr. 10) of the formats most commonly used. They were all
HJ> pretty well described in the documentation. It may pay off having
HJ> a look at it. (I think it's available on Netlib).

But if I recall correctly, SPARSEKIT was one of the "researchy" pkgs I 
alluded to in my previous msg that really only supported one format
internally (compressed sparse row, CSR, if I remember correctly), and 
accomodated other formats by providing routines to convert to and from 

Fine for investigating algorithm performance, developing solvers and
preconditioners, etc, but not for "production".

John A. Turner, Ph.D.                Senior Research Associate
Blue Sky Studios                     http://www.blueskystudios.com/
One South Road, Harrison, NY 10528   http://www.lanl.gov/home/turner/
Phone: 914-381-8400                  http://john.turner.org/

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