[Matrix-SIG] fromfunction broke in LLNL10??

Les Schaffer godzilla@netmeg.net (Les Schaffer)
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 11:11:00 -0500 (EST)

I just was using some old code with a Numeric.fromfunction, and now
its broke, after upgrade to LLNL10 from 9.

did something change in Numeric.py?

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/lib/python1.5/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 761, in __call__
    return apply(self.func, args)
  File "testImage.py", line 58, in update
    ra = fromfunction(self.func, (101, 101))
  File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/Numerical/Numeric.py", line 156, in fromfunction
    return apply(function, tuple(indices(dimensions)))
  File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/Numerical/Numeric.py", line 149, in indices
    tmp = ones(dimensions, typecode)
  File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/Numerical/Numeric.py", line 306, in ones
    return zeros(shape, typecode)+array(1, typecode)
TypeError: argument 2: expected string, None found

this code worked flawlessly before 10:



from Tkinter import *
from ImageTk import PhotoImage
import Image

from Numeric import *

def normalize(a):
    a = array(a, copy=1)
    a = (a - min(a.flat))/(max(a.flat) - min(a.flat)) 
    return a

def ArrayToImage(a, height=200, scale=1):
    if len(a.shape) == 2:
        a = (normalize(a)*254).astype('b')
        i = Image.new("L", (a.shape[1], a.shape[0]), color=255)
    elif len(a.shape) == 1:
        a = 1-normalize(a)
        a = array(a*height).astype('i')
        i = Image.new("L", (a.shape[0], height), color=255)
        id = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(i)
        def map_xandy_to_xy(x, y):
            import _imaging
            return _imaging.path(ravel(transpose(array((x, y)))).tolist())
        id.line(xy=map_xandy_to_xy(arange(a.shape[0]), a))
    if scale != 1:
        i = i.resize((i.size[0]*scale, i.size[1]*scale))
    return i

def ImageToArray(i):
    a = fromstring(i.tostring(), 'b')
    a.shape = i.im.size[1], i.im.size[0]
    return a

class MatrixDisplay:

    def __init__(self, master):

        frame = Frame(master)
        self.button = Button(frame, text="QUIT", fg="red", 
        self.test_B = Button(frame, text="Update", command=self.update)
        self.img = Image.new("L",(100,100))
        self.photo = PhotoImage(image=self.img)
        self.canvas = Canvas(frame, width=100, height=100)
        self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image=self.photo)

    def update(self):
        ra = fromfunction(self.func, (101, 101))
        self.img = ArrayToImage(ra)
        #self.photo = PhotoImage(self.img)
        self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image=self.photo)

    def func(self, i,j):
        return cos( 4*2*3.1415926*i / 100. ) * cos( 4*2*3.1415926*(j / 100. ))

root = Tk()
app = MatrixDisplay(root)


____        Les Schaffer              ___| --->> Engineering R&D <<---
Theoretical & Applied Mechanics          |  Designspring, Inc. 
Center for Radiophysics & Space Research |  http://www.designspring.com/
Cornell Univ.  schaffer@tam.cornell.edu  |  les@designspring.com