[Matrix-SIG] Modules: Shared Lib

Patrick Dahiroc patd@wam.umd.edu
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 09:41:30 -0400 (EDT)

hi all

i'm having problems making a shared object for a python extension module
that i wrote.  below is the steps i took to make the module. (i just
followed the steps in the GCC-HOWTO)

gcc -fPIC -Imyinc -Lmylib -c maptrans.c
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,maptrans.so.1 -o maptrans.so.1.0 maptrans.o
ln -s maptrans.so.1.0 maptrans.so.1
ln -s maptrans.so.1 maptrans.so 

maptrans.c wraps a map transformation routine in one of my library.
when i run python and 'import maptrans', i get an error that says
something like ' undefined init function (initmaptrans) '.  but in
maptrans.c i do have the function

	static PyObject *wrap_mapconvert(self, args){
		char *blah, *BLAH;
		PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ss", &blah, &BLAH)

		/* MAPCONV - function from mylib/libMAP.a */

		return PyBuildValue("s",blah);

	static PyMethodDef maptrans_method[] = {
		{"mapconvert", wrap_mapconvert,METH_VARARGS},

	void initmaptrans(){

i have never made a shared library nor extended python before. any help
you could suggest is much appreciated.
