[PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Data analysis package question

Geoffrey Furnish furnish@laura.llnl.gov
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 11:20:36 -0800

Jim Hugunin writes:
 > > I have been exploring the possibilities of data analysis using
 > > Yorick and Python.
 > PS - I see some significant possibilities for coordinated work on
 > developing modules for things like NetCDF, GIST, etc.  I'd strongly
 > encourage people who are working on supporting an extension module for a
 > reasonably popular package to announce their plans on this list, and work
 > to coordinate things with others who are interested in supporting the same
 > package.  Once beta1 is out, I'll add a page for extension modules both
 > completed and in progress to my Numeric Python web pages.

It is worth pointing out that PLplot fits into the above picture as
well.  I understand that my forbears have been in the habit of
announcing PLplot python module support in this forum.  I have
recently absorbed the latest plmodule.c by Thomas Schwaller into the
official PLplot repository, and took that opportunity to implement
some of the 2-d api which was not done yet, notably contouring and
color fill shading.  Interested parties can pick up the latest from:


This version works with Python 1.4b3 and NumPy 1.0a5.  When there is a
NumPy that works with 1.4, I will cut a new snapshot soon thereafter.

The PLplot module supports output to a Tk graphics widget (among a
multitude of other output drivers), which can be trivially integrated
into Python/Tk, and we have that in operation here at LLNL now.  There
is also the beginnings of a Python/Tk "megawidget" for the plframe
graphics widget, which provides a variety of conveniences for
scientific plotting, including saving to a any of a variety of
supported graphics formats (including postscript and ppm), as well as
manipulation of the plot orientation, printing the currently visible
view.  etc.  There is also a binding available for zoom support, and
"zoom frame list walking", with panning.

PLplot also supports dynamic color pallete manipulation, but I haven't
yet written the Python/Tk megawidget support for that, but it will be
coming soon.

In any event, I am eager to see an improved Python/NumPy/PLplot
environment for interactive data manipulation and visualization, and
will continue to assist people who submit contributions in this area.
Now that I am personally using Python, my level of responsiveness to
the Python community will be much higher than before, perhaps even
eclipsing what has been done previously for Tcl/Tk.

My own personal opinion on what is most needed in the Python universe
in order to support such effots by myself and others, are:

1) Thorough documentation for the NumPy C interface.
2) A C++ wrapper for NumPy data storage (I have a start on this, which
   I should be able to release soemtime).
3) A real plan for doing serious "megawidgets" in Python/Tk.

Geoffrey Furnish		email: furnish@llnl.gov
LLNL X/ICF			phone: 510-424-4227	fax: 510-423-6172

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